10 Ideas for Creating Your Own Family Heirloom

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10 Ideas for Creating Your Own Family Heirloom

As we build our families and establish ourselves in the world, many of us begin to think about our legacy. We wonder how we can make an impact on the world but ultimately, who will remember us when we inevitably pass on. If this is something you have had on your mind, you should consider creating an heirloom you can pass down to your loved ones.

Heirlooms are a great way to pass down a legacy but to also impart wisdom or your most precious memories. Creating an heirloom is an important task that shows your loved ones what they mean to you. But don’t worry, your heirloom doesn’t have to be hundred of years old or worth anything more than your own sentimental value.

Here are 10 ideas for creating your own family heirloom:

1. Memory Quilts

One of the best ways to create a memorable heirloom is to craft one yourself! I’m sure you’ve heard of the families making their own memory quilt. These blankets are stitched, sewn and even patched together by hand, with new pieces added over time.

2. Handcrafted Furniture

If you have a talent for woodworking, or handy with a saw and sander, consider creating a piece of furniture. The most common are rocking chairs, baby cribs, memory chests, dining tables and wardrobes. Furniture is a great idea because they last for years and become a practical item for everyday use.

3. Family Photo Album

With the rising trend of book scrapping in the last decade, you can find a plethora of resources to create an amazing Family Photo Album. By adding a caption with each photo, it’s a great way to pass down your family history.

4. Secret Family Recipes

We all have that person in our family who adores cooking. Talk with them about creating a recipe just to be shared within the family! This could be a fun way to bond and make for many wonderful meals for the whole family to enjoy.

5. Write a Book

Like a family photo album, writing a book is a great way to share family history. But it doesn't have to be your memoirs. Many authors love including their family by dedicating each new book to a different family member. And who knows? Your literature could turn into a classic, with first editions worth thousands!

Screenshot of CTBIDS

6. Important Clothing

Fashion can be very important to our self expression but there are occasions where many cultures the world across keep specific pieces of clothing to pass down among their families. For example, wedding garments like dresses. In India, the matriarch collects a treasure trove of clothing and jewelry to give as a dowry to their future daughter-in-laws. But your heirloom could be as simple as a treasured hat or favorite jacket.

7. Create a Painting or Art Piece

Creating a piece of art to pass down to your family can be all at once therapeutic and fun! There are so many different art forms to choose from–pottery, painting, scrapbooks, jewelry, hand-pressing and so much more! You can even make an experience of it by going to a pottery painting store.

8. Purchase a High Dollar Item

High Dollar Items are a great heirloom to pass on. One of the most common heirlooms are engagement rings. There's a ton of sentimental value in a piece of jewelry centered around declaring your undying love, creating cherished memories attached to the ring for decades.

9. Antiques

Antiques dominate the heirlooms of our world. Finding an antique with high dollar value or historical significance to pass down would be a great benefit to your family. Check out CTBIDS.com to find many items you could use as your heirloom!

10. Engrave a Message

Lastly, perhaps you have an item that you want to pass on but find it’s not personal enough yet. Have a personal message engraved on it to really make it your own. This could even be your initials, or a quote you’re well known for.

No matter what you decide to create, or use, as your family heirloom, what's ultimately important is your sentimental attachment and the memories you can share with those you love most.


  1. https://amishhandcrafted.com/family-heirloom/
  2. https://familyheirloomarts.com/
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdG0eu4WyCY&t=69s
  4. https://www.caringtransitions.com/blog/ID/1393193/Are-Family-Heirlooms-Hiding-In-Your-Home
  5. https://antiques.lovetoknow.com/about-antiques/15-common-family-heirlooms-you-may-find-your-home
  6. https://youtu.be/bEgag0AH0JA
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